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I love it Chris! Excellent. Well said. You can apparently make an entire career of traveling to conferences. Is anything transformed? Is the church better off? Baloney, it is. These buffoons need to be shown for what they are.


Ha--Reminds me of a really hip song I know--May even do a Sermon series on it(after I'm done working thru the Bible of course!!??)

We had joy We had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed
were just seasons out of time

Paul Golder

It's not unlike how the Promise(Law) Keepers movement eventually became no longer the "in" thing.

I just wish that church leaders would realize that a Faithful Pastor, teaching the Bible from the pulpit, can do more for Kingdom than any conference.


Let's admit that 98% of conferences are "shark-jumping" idolatry. I'll just listen to the MP3 message when I'm riding my bike to work and save the admission.

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