I was very disappointed to see that the Desiring God National Conference was selling Rick Warren's Bible study method book. http://twitter.com/#!/desiringgod/statuses/26134791613
It is clear from Rick Warren's chronic Bible twisting in his sermons and his books that he only gives lip service to sound Biblical hermeneutics and exegesis. His actions prove over and again that Warren doesn't care one bit what the Biblical text actually teaches. It's absurd and foolish for the folks at Desiring God to be accomplices in helping Warren perpetuate the blatant fiction that Warren has a sound hermeneutical method from which he operates.
Rick Warren's REAL Bible study method can be accurately and succinctly summarized in the acrostic T.W.I.S.T.
Translations, and paraphrases lots and lots and lots of them.
What do YOU want the Bible to say? Your felt needs determine the meaning.
Imagination. The more fanciful the better.
Strip the text from its context
Taradiddle (its a word...look it up here)
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