Over the past six years I have played what could only be described as a virtual game of cat and mouse with the people who run the websites associated with Rick Warren, Saddleback.com and Pastors.com.
During these years, the most doctrinally farcical and Biblically absurd articles and videos have been posted at Warren’s sites, and when they’ve come under the scrutinizing eyes of those in the body of Christ who still hold to sound Biblical doctrine those heretical and/or heterodox resources have, wooosh, vanished with no explanation. This has become such a frequent occurrence with the folks associated with Rick Warren’s ministry websites, that one wonders if the people running those sites have ever been taught the Christian faith and know the difference between sound doctrine and false doctrine.
The latest example of a flat out heretical article being posted at one of Warren’s sites, only to have it mysteriously vanish, was an article posted on October 2nd, 2011 for Pastors.com / Rick Warren’s Ministry Tool Box. The article was entitled, Centering Prayer Trusts Jesus Brings Transformation.
Below, I’m posting the screen shot that I took of both the article and the tweet sent out by Rick Warren’s Ministry Tool Box so that these are available for the public to see. And I have issued a challenge to Rick Warren to post an explanation as to why this article mysteriously disappeared from the Pastors.com website. If the reason why this article was pulled was because he thinks this is an unbiblical practice, then we need to hear that from Rick Warren himself.
I’ve also reproduced in this post, my radio program from October 10th, 2011 where I play a 2008 interview with Thomas Keating, one of the three Cistercian Monks responsible for creating Centering Prayer. In that interview Keating explains how the goal of Centering Prayer is to discover that YOU ARE GOD. Knowing this, my question is, “Why on Earth would an article about Centering Prayer have ever been posted at Rick Warren’s site?” Warren claims he is a Calvinist and a admirer of Jonathan Edwards. That being the case, how is it possible for an article that teaches a mystical practice developed by Roman Catholic monks that has as its goal that a person would achieve the understanding that they are god ever be approved for publication on a website that is read by hundreds of thousands of pastors around the world?
I hope that we get an explanation from Rick Warren. But, I wouldn’t bet on it.