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Socorro Alaniz

This is not a temple of G-d, This is heretic central here in San Diego. Unrepentant sinners lead small groups. These are unmarried fornicators and unmarried couples living together, and Miles just tickles their ears and lets them go on in these life styles and just talks about the "love of G-d for all His children"... gross misrepresentation of the Gospel.... so incredibly sad.
Unfortunately, San Diego has many Mega Churches filled with goats, this is just the biggest.

Gerard Charmley

Astonishing! How different from days past! In the late Eighteenth Century, the Vicar of Carmarthen, South Wales, publicly rebuked naval hero Lord Nelson from his pulpit and told him to leave the church because he came there with his mistress, Lady Hamilton, and her husband. He told them such behaviour was sin, and until they repented, he would not allow them into the presence of a holy God.

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