Ancient hymns set the great doctrines of the scripture to music and verse! When one compares the theology in a hymn like What God Ordains is Always Good to the false and narcissistic "theology" being peddled by such authors as Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Perry Noble and scads of others its easy to see today's common doctrinal errors.
On the one hand, Osteen, Furtick and Noble teach that the heartaches, troubles, sorrows and sufferings of this life can be overcome by positive thinking, speaking affirmations, or by having audacious enough faith to believe that God has greater plans and purposes for your life.
But, the scriptures do not promise that your sufferings in this life will be magically removed by having a positive attitude, speaking affirmations in front of your mirror or by having audacious faith. Instead, as the hymn below confesses, What God ordains is always good, though I the cup am drinking savors now of bitterness. This hymn affirms an important Christian teaching that God doesn't magically remove the curse and consequences of sin in this life. Instead, He saves us THROUGH them. As the hymn so boldly confesses, Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, I shall not be forsaken. This is the same concept taught in the 23rd Psalm:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4
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"What God Ordains Is Always Good"
by Samuel Rodigast, 1649-1708
Performance by Clyde McLennan of
1. What God ordains is always good;
His will abideth holy.
As He directs my life for me,
I follow meek and lowly.
God indeed in every need
Doth well know how to shield me;
To Him, then, I will yield me.
2. What God ordains is always good.
He never will deceive me;
He leads me in His own right way,
And never will He leave me.
I take content What He hath sent;
His hand that sends me sadness
Will turn my tears to gladness.
3. What God ordains is always good.
His loving thought attends me;
No poison can be in the cup
That my Physician sends me.
My God is true; Each morn anew
I'll trust His grace unending,
My life to Him commending.
4. What God ordains is always good.
He is my Friend and Father;
He suffers naught to do me harm,
Though many storms may gather.
Now I may know Both joy and woe,
Some day I shall see clearly
That He hath loved me dearly.
5. What God ordains is always good.
Though I the cup am drinking
Which savors now of bitterness,
I take it without shrinking.
For after grief God grants relief,
My heart with comfort filling
And all my sorrow stilling.
6. What God ordains is always good.
This truth remains unshaken.
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,
I shall not be forsaken.
I fear no harm, For with His arm
He shall embrace and shield me;
So to my God I yield me.