Webster's dictionary defines a gift as:
noun: something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation
The same dictionary defines a wage as:
noun: a payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis —often used in plural
With these definitions in mind let me ask you a question. Before I ask the question let me set the context of the question for you.
Imagine you and I have a face to face friendship and that one day I told you that I had very special GIFT that I wanted to give you. That the GIFT I wanted to GIVE to you was very precious and would bless your socks off. I assured you that I was giving you the GIFT purely out of the kindness of my heart. BUT that there were some CONDITIONS to your receiving this GIFT. Here are the CONDITIONS.
1. YOU HAVE TO meet with me every day for 20 to 30 minutes.
2. YOU HAVE TO read, study and master the content of all my writings.
3. YOU HAVE TO give me 10% of your gross income for the rest of your life.
4. YOU HAVE TO encourage other people to read my writings.
5. YOU HAVE TO participate in a weekly small group that is dedicated to reading and discussing my writings.
So here is the question, is the GIFT that I am promising to GIVE you really a GIFT or is it a WAGE?
I truly would like your answer to this question. Please take a moment to leave your answer in the comment box below.